Tutorial Of Brinjal curry with dry fish Tasty

The Recipe For Making Brinjal curry with dry fish.

Brinjal curry with dry fish You can make Brinjal curry with dry fish using 7 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Brinjal curry with dry fish

  1. Fill Half of kilo brijal.
  2. Fill 250 gm of dryfish.
  3. Insert Half of teaspoon turmeric.
  4. Add Half of teaspoon red chilli.
  5. Fill Half of teaspoon salt.
  6. Fill Half of cup onion.
  7. Mix 100 ml of soyabean oil.

Quick Step To Make Brinjal curry with dry fish

  1. Mix the turmeric, red chilli and onion for 10 mins.
  2. Miix brinjal pieces and then cover foe 15 mins.

That's how to make Brinjal curry with dry fish Recipe.


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