Recipe of Shrimp and Salmon Belly Sinigang na Kamias So Easy

The Recipe For Making Shrimp and Salmon Belly Sinigang na Kamias.

Shrimp and Salmon Belly Sinigang na Kamias You can make Shrimp and Salmon Belly Sinigang na Kamias using 10 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Shrimp and Salmon Belly Sinigang na Kamias

  1. Fill of Shrimps.
  2. Fill of Salmon belly sliced.
  3. Fill of Kamias tops and bottoms cut and cut in half then boil then mash in a strainer in a bowl for juice.
  4. Mix of Onions sliced.
  5. Add of Tomatoes chopped.
  6. Add of Okra tops and bottoms cut.
  7. Add of Finger chilies.
  8. Prepare of Daikon radish peeled and sliced.
  9. Fill of Sinigang mix.
  10. Add of Eggplant sliced diagonally.

Step By Step To Make Shrimp and Salmon Belly Sinigang na Kamias

  1. In pot bring water to a boil then boil Kamias in a few minutes.
  2. Then put in a strainer.
  3. And mash you want to mash until the juice comes out.
  4. Like this this is the juice of the Kamias then bring the water back to a boil then stir in the juice..
  5. Then add onions and tomatoes and finger chilies simmer cover then add rest of vegetables cover and simmer then add salmon belly then simmer until fish becomes pink.Then add shrimps cook until shrimps turn color.
  6. Turn off heat and serve.

That's how to make Shrimp and Salmon Belly Sinigang na Kamias Recipe.


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