How To Make Fish Biscuits, (American Biscuits) Step by Step

The Recipe For Making Fish Biscuits, (American Biscuits).

Fish Biscuits, (American Biscuits) You can make Fish Biscuits, (American Biscuits) using 5 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Fish Biscuits, (American Biscuits)

  1. Prepare 8 of large biscuits see my recipes for biscuits or store bought.
  2. Prepare 2 pounds of Swai, fish.
  3. Insert 2 cups of breading for fish.
  4. Prepare as needed of oil to fry, I used sunflower oil.
  5. Add 4 tablespoons of tartar sauce batch 88 see my recipe for this.

Quick Step To Make Fish Biscuits, (American Biscuits)

  1. Heat oil.
  2. Bread the fish and fry..
  3. When done move to some paper towels to absorb excessive oils.
  4. Bake the biscuits..
  5. Add fish and tartar sauce to biscuits.
  6. Serve I hope you enjoy!.

That's how to make Fish Biscuits, (American Biscuits) Recipe.


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