How To Make Tortang Talong(Eggplant Omelette) Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Tortang Talong(Eggplant Omelette).

Tortang Talong(Eggplant Omelette) You can make Tortang Talong(Eggplant Omelette) using 5 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Tortang Talong(Eggplant Omelette)

  1. Insert 4 pcs of eggplant.
  2. Mix 2 of medium size egg.
  3. Insert of Salt.
  4. Insert of Cooking oil.
  5. Fill of Pepper.

Easy Way To Make Tortang Talong(Eggplant Omelette)

  1. Grill the eggplant.
  2. After, peel off the skin (I like to peel it off while it's hot soaked in cool water).
  3. Beat the eggs in a bowl, put salt and pepper to taste..
  4. Add the eggplant. Press it firmly with fork to coat the egg evenly..
  5. Now, add cooking oil in the pan. Wait till it's hot enough to fry the eggplant. When frying wait till it turn brown then you can turn it over..
  6. Serve it with your own sauce. (Ketchup or soysauce with onions and tomatoes).

That's how to make Tortang Talong(Eggplant Omelette) Recipe.


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