Recipe of Eggplant Patties So Easy

The Recipe For Making Eggplant Patties.

Eggplant Patties You can make Eggplant Patties using 4 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Eggplant Patties

  1. Insert 2 pcs of eggplant.
  2. Insert 2 of shallot, minced.
  3. Fill of Ground pork.
  4. Fill 3 of eggs.

Easy Way To Make Eggplant Patties

  1. Roast chicken then peel off the skin. Then cut into 5 parts and set aside.
  2. Heat pan and stir fry shallot and pork. Cook it until pork are tender. Then set aside and let it cool.
  3. In a deep bowl place the eggplant, crack eggs and add. Then add also the cooked pork. Add black pepper then gently mix all..
  4. Heat a pan then add cooking oil. Scoop eggplant mixture and fry it..

That's how to make Eggplant Patties Recipe.


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