How To Cook Fried Eggplants with Vinegar Sauce Super Fast

The Recipe For Making Fried Eggplants with Vinegar Sauce.

Fried Eggplants with Vinegar Sauce You can make Fried Eggplants with Vinegar Sauce using 6 ingredients in 7 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Fried Eggplants with Vinegar Sauce

  1. Fill 300 grams of Eggplant.
  2. Insert 10 grams of Ginger.
  3. Insert 3 tsp of Vinegar.
  4. Add 3 tsp of Soy Sauce.
  5. Mix 3 tsp of Sake (Japanese Rice Wine).
  6. Mix 1 tsp of Sugar.

Easy Way To Make Fried Eggplants with Vinegar Sauce

  1. Cut the spring onion into small pieces and finely chop the ginger..
  2. Make sauce. Put the vinegar, soy sauce, sake and sugar into a bowl and mix these well. Add spring onion and ginger..
  3. Peel the eggplants in alternating strips. Cut the eggplant half lengthwise..
  4. Make shallow cut in the skin side and cut the eggplants into bite size..
  5. Heat the frying oil about 180 degrees and fry the eggplant until it changes to a lighter color..
  6. Drain the oil from it and dip in the sauce immediately..
  7. Sakura Pearl Brinjal S$1.65/300grams at FairPrice (Must use).

That's how to make Fried Eggplants with Vinegar Sauce Recipe.


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