How To Make Oreo Mug Cake Delicious
The Recipe For Making Oreo Mug Cake.
You can make Oreo Mug Cake using 4 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Oreo Mug Cake
- Fill 5 pcs of oreo biscuits.
- Mix 4 tbsp of milk.
- Prepare 1/8 tsp of baking powder.
- Fill of Choco chips for garnishing.
Quick Step To Make Oreo Mug Cake
- Put the oreos in the plastic bag and crush it until it breaks smooth.
- Pour your fresh milk into the mug and stir it well until it has no lumps.
- After you stir it put the baking powder and mix it again.
- And then bake it for 10 minutes and low flame.
That's how to make Oreo Mug Cake Recipe.
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