How To Make Mabo Nasu / Eggplant 🍆 So Easy
The Recipe For Making Mabo Nasu / Eggplant 🍆.
You can make Mabo Nasu / Eggplant 🍆 using 6 ingredients in 9 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Mabo Nasu / Eggplant 🍆
- Fill 1 pack of Cook Do Mabo Nasu 🍆.
- Mix 350 gram of Nasu / Eggplant.
- Mix 50 gram of carrots.
- Mix 40 gram of green papper.
- Prepare 100 gram of meat (choices).
- Mix 1 spoon of sesame oil.
Quick Step To Make Mabo Nasu / Eggplant 🍆
- You can buy Cook Do like this cover.
- Remove leaf at Nasu,wash.
- Cut horizontal like this and make fit size as you like..
- Tips ❗️ Nasu quickly change color to brown, so to make it still white, deep inside water..
- Slice onion leaf like this then cut small size.
- Cut carrot and green papper.
- Prepare sesame oil with medium fire, then put inside all vegetables start from eggplants, green papper then carrot. Change high fire..
- Change medium fire put Cook Do inside frypan then stir. (if you use ground of meat, cook Cook Do with ground meat first then put vegetables).
- After all well done, enjoy with hot rice!.
That's how to make Mabo Nasu / Eggplant 🍆 Recipe.
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