How To Cook Chicken gravy over biscuits with green beans Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Chicken gravy over biscuits with green beans.

Chicken gravy over biscuits with green beans You can make Chicken gravy over biscuits with green beans using 8 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Chicken gravy over biscuits with green beans

  1. Insert 1 can of biscuits.
  2. Fill 2 cans of greenbeans.
  3. Mix of Garlic seasoning, onion seasoning, salt, pepper.
  4. Prepare of Flour.
  5. Mix of Milk.
  6. Mix of Chicken bouillon.
  7. Add 1-2 of chicken breast cooked shredded.
  8. Add of Butter.

Easy Way To Make Chicken gravy over biscuits with green beans

  1. Bake the biscuits as directed by the instructions on the can..
  2. Make the greenbeans by draining 1 can and using the juice from the other. I add 2 or 3 tablespoons butter and seasoning. Mix and heat through..
  3. Melt 3 tablespoons butter in a skillet on medium high heat. Once melted add 1 cup flour and whisk till butter and flour is combined. Slowly start to whisk in milk till you get desired consistency. Once you achieve the desired consistency add cooked chicken..
  4. Add garlic, onion and chicken seasoning till you get the flavor you like..
  5. Open biscuits and add gravy. Serve with greenbeans or any other sides you like. Enjoy..

That's how to make Chicken gravy over biscuits with green beans Recipe.


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